Joan H. Young Anastasia Raven Mystery Books Adventure


Good Day Folks,





Today I would like to introduce Anastasia Raven Mystery books written by Joan H. Young to you. I love this series. Joan H. Young is a talented author. I have had the pleasure to meet her at an authors event I organized. I downloaded one of her books and enjoyed this series.

Anastasia Raven recently divorced after discovering her husband is gay and wants to be with his lover. Her son is away at college. She purchases a fixer upper  home in a small town in Michigan and discovers all kinds of characters while rebuilding her life.  While hiking at Dead Mule Swamp she also seems to stumble onto murder and assists with solving the mystery. It is pure pleasure to become part of Anastasia Raven’s adventures. When I read these mystery novels by Joan H. Young, I feel I am right there with Anastasia Raven, making new friends, renovating her farmhouse, getting involved with community events and wondering about each mystery she discovers. I highly recommend these books. I am patiently waiting for book 5 in this series.  Joan H. Young also writes about her true adventures while hiking. A little about Joan. Check her authors page on Amazon.


Joan Young has enjoyed the out-of-doors her entire life. Highlights of her outdoor adventures include Girl Scouting, which provided yearly training in camp skills, and the opportunity to engage in a 10-day canoe trip, and numerous short backpacking excursions. She was selected to attend the 1965 Senior Scout Roundup in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, an international event to which 10,000 girls were invited. She has ridden a bicycle from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean in 1986, and completed the North Country National Scenic Trail on August 3, 2010. Her total mileage was 4395 miles. Young is the first woman to hike the entire trail, and the 9th person overall to complete it on foot.

She also writes a monthly column for the Ludington Daily News called “Get Off the Couch.”

Hope you enjoyed getting to know Anastasia Raven Mystery series and the talented author Joan H. Young. Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB

