Imaginary Friends Adventure


Good Day Folks,

I was looking up children’s literary agents and discovered one with the same first name as my childhood imaginary friend. So I sent her a query. I have not heard anything back yet, which is ok that is how this business works. Then I saw a advertising for a new show where an adult’s imaginary friend comes back in her life. This imaginary friend is weird looking muppet thing and speaks loudly. I thought how strange.

This also made me think of my childhood imaginary friend Suzie. She did not look like a muppet or speak loud ever to me. She was a little girl like me and we usually whispered, when others were around. We could communicate telepathically of course. She had long dark brown hair. When in my room alone we chatted in normal tones. Oh we had so much fun playing with my toys, kitchen set or taking care of my gerbil. We also enjoyed being outside. One of the best things we did together was follow along and listen to books with my record player.

Did any of you have a record player when you were a kid? I had a player like the picture. Our two favorite record books was Wizard of OZ and Peter Pan. Oh Suzie and I had so much fun together. Then when I was 6, my brother came home from the hospital a wonderful day, I was so happy to get a brother. Suzie was gone. Funny thing is I was not sad. Actually I did not think about her after my brother came home.I guess she went to play with another lonely child. I do have fond memories of her.

Now that I am a writer, I seem to have many imaginary friends. My favorites is Blaze the dragon and Carolyn a human. They helped me during a medical issue three years ago. When resting Blaze would visit me in my dreams and fly me away to her mountain retreat to heal. It was wonderful. It was an enchanting place built high up the mountains with beautiful views. In the back there was a patio that led to a mountain lake. We played cards and chatted in the library and when I rested on the lounge seat she would gently place a blanket on me while I read and napped.  They tell me stories and we are working on a novel about the New Moon Brethren. A new character is talking with me occasionally Isabelle or Izzy. She is a child that Blaze adopted after her parents were killed by the Daray the dark one. Occasionally I have to listen to him as well. He has big plans to take over mother earth.

Now my children’s series, ideas came from my son and I would dream the stories. It was like watching a tv series.

My son had an imaginary friend named Logan until his twin sisters were born. I remember seeing him looking at the mirror and talking with Logan, when he was 2. I asked him who Logan was and he said his friend. Would not tell me anything else about Logan.

Well I hope this agent is interested in my work. I really look forward to one day working with an agent who  can sell my work ,have great advice and good conversations.

Did you have a imaginary friend? Do any of your children have an imaginary friend?

Well that is my adventure story today. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB

Joan H. Young Anastasia Raven Mystery Books Adventure


Good Day Folks,





Today I would like to introduce Anastasia Raven Mystery books written by Joan H. Young to you. I love this series. Joan H. Young is a talented author. I have had the pleasure to meet her at an authors event I organized. I downloaded one of her books and enjoyed this series.

Anastasia Raven recently divorced after discovering her husband is gay and wants to be with his lover. Her son is away at college. She purchases a fixer upper  home in a small town in Michigan and discovers all kinds of characters while rebuilding her life.  While hiking at Dead Mule Swamp she also seems to stumble onto murder and assists with solving the mystery. It is pure pleasure to become part of Anastasia Raven’s adventures. When I read these mystery novels by Joan H. Young, I feel I am right there with Anastasia Raven, making new friends, renovating her farmhouse, getting involved with community events and wondering about each mystery she discovers. I highly recommend these books. I am patiently waiting for book 5 in this series.  Joan H. Young also writes about her true adventures while hiking. A little about Joan. Check her authors page on Amazon.


Joan Young has enjoyed the out-of-doors her entire life. Highlights of her outdoor adventures include Girl Scouting, which provided yearly training in camp skills, and the opportunity to engage in a 10-day canoe trip, and numerous short backpacking excursions. She was selected to attend the 1965 Senior Scout Roundup in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, an international event to which 10,000 girls were invited. She has ridden a bicycle from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean in 1986, and completed the North Country National Scenic Trail on August 3, 2010. Her total mileage was 4395 miles. Young is the first woman to hike the entire trail, and the 9th person overall to complete it on foot.

She also writes a monthly column for the Ludington Daily News called “Get Off the Couch.”

Hope you enjoyed getting to know Anastasia Raven Mystery series and the talented author Joan H. Young. Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB





What Happened to the Boy Who Wanted to Touch the Moon

James Saves the Moon

James Saves the Moon

Good Day Folks,

Today, I woke up wondering what happened to the boy who wanted to touch the moon and inspired me to dream again. Every morning this smart imaginative child would tell me all the places he went during the night. I remember him telling a doctor in kindergarten how he wanted to be an archeologists and he said it correctly. He wanted to visit the pyramids and told him all about them and other information about Egypt. The doctor was so impressed with this little boy, he took him back to his lab to show him how he tested the blood to find out what could be wrong with people. The little boy who went missing one day in Akureyri, Iceland, who got lost but excitedly told me about all the people and places he discovered finding his way home.

I wonder when did I lose the boy who dreamed big things and wanted adventure. This little boy is now an young adult and headed down a raggedy path full of gnarly branches that keep grabbing him.  I wonder will he find a smoother path and look up see the light glittering on a drip of water, with the dragons reflection  that floats down and lands on his forehead from the cold ice melting on those crooked branches as new colorful leaves begin to bud to  release the dreams and see the beauty of wonder and adventure again. When he wipes the drip will the dragon be there for him to take flight.  Hope


Online events, water and sickies adventure!


Good Day Folks,


authorspotlightThis week I am hosting a Children’s Author Spotlight. There is a new one every week. This is fun as well. Authors, parents join to find out about children’s books. Folks have the opportunity to ask about my books, and writing adventures. Authors ask about the writing business.  I really enjoy chatting, sharing with folks. Tonight at 9pm EST, I will be randomly giving away two ebooks from amazon. Join the event and find the post that gets you in the drawing by just leaving a comment on the post. Here is the link Wendy Nystrom Children’s Author Spotlight.

springflingAnchor Group Publishing, my publisher is hosting a Spring Fling all month. Last week I had a blast hosting a day. The participates are so much fun. If you are looking for new authors, books, prizes join the FB event here is the link a different author each day many genres. Anchor Group Publishing Spring Fling

bethalexMy two dragonets(twin daughters)  have been sick this week each. Daughter B, two days behind Daughter A. Both are back in school today. Interesting last night my daughter informed me that my treatment suggestions for fever, sore throat and cough she discovered online at some site. I said, so now do you think I know what I am talking about. Sure is a different. When I was a kid, pretty much what mom or dad suggested to feel better was believed even if the cough medicine tasted awful, we took it no questions asked. Now, kids check online to confirm family remedies. I don’t use over the counter cold and flu medicines. I have not for many years now. I find they do very little and often make things worse. Although if a temperature goes over 101 I will give them a Tylenol or Advil. In most cases a low temperature is a good thing, it means your body is naturally fighting the illness. Of course if it lasts more than 5 days, a doctors visit maybe needed to see if it is a bacterial infection.  Here is my recipe for most cold and flu issues

1/2 teaspoon of honey

1/4 teaspoon ginger and turmeric

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

Warm or cold water (fill glass)

Now my girls do not care for honey so I mask the taste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

Mix with a spoon and ask them to drink it. You can give them as many glasses they will drink. It does make them feel better. By the way my husband and  I drink a glass of this every morning.

I also give everyone a cod liver supplement daily. During the winter months I take 2 to 3 a day. Kids just one a day if they will take it. It is important to get vitamin D in your diet during the dark months of the year. Besides vitamin C. Our bodies do not store D and the sun is one of the sources for Vitamin D. It is needed to keep your immune system strong. Cod liver is a good source for this. The girls were better in 4 days. I am lucky my family does not get ill that often.

The other thing I suggest is gargle with salt water. Helps clear flem, and heal the sore throat. I also have my family drop a couple of drops of saline nasal spray. I just drop a couple drops on their fingers and they sniff them up.  This way I do not have to purchase a bottle for each person.  Now my kids are old enough to take care of this themselves. Helps with stuffed up noses. My favorite brand of saline nasal spray is Ocean. 

All these remedies I use confirmed by my daughters research online. So happy.

My other adventure is being part of the Water Protectors in my county. A couple of months ago I saw a post of an informational meeting about a permit for an injection well to dump toxic brine waste caused from fracking.  By the end of the meeting I was on the board of the water protectors. What an adventure this is turning into. This group of people have done so much research and keep at it to stop the injection well permit. It appears since states around us are putting a stop to dumping toxic waste underground from fracking in injection wells. Due to poisoning water and earthquakes. Michigan and my county have been targeted to become a dumping ground for oil and gas companies to transport this toxic brine waste from fracking. We have already had earthqakes happen in another area from injection wells in my state. Water has been poisoned and will be poisoned. Now why would our department MIDEQ who is suppose to protect our water been allowing a state with 20% of the worlds fresh water supply to become a toxic waste site. And the EPA also has to sign off on this stuff why would they allow it too. Instead of creating our own non-profit group, we have now become a committee under the Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation. Link and will continue to fight against becoming a toxic waste site.

Well that is my adventures lately. Thank you for stopping in. Enjoy the Adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo


Many Many Adventures more than writing!


Good Day Folks,

I always say I need to blog every week but seem to have so many things come up. I will try to get better at letting you know what my latest adventure is.

ac promo 1First my publisher Anchor Group Publishing has my book 4, Amongst the Clouds on sale this month. This adventure is for ages 7-12. What could be hidden in a cloud? Epic Adventure of Course.

Wow, I have been busy. I am still editing book 6 working title Magic Carousel. Sure is a fun adventure. I introduce two new characters,Tina and Timothy.

Mermaid_Tina  Ogre_TimothyI also been editing and writing my novel New Moon Brethren. I had to take a break from my writers group, rather bummed. But just not enough time for it right now. 

I was asked by Big Rapids Festival of Arts to organize an Authorpalooza Event for them. What a a fun adventure it has become. 40+ authors are coming February 20th to Big Rapids 1pm to 4PM. Plus classic book characters will be wandering around to interact with you. Thanks to Ferris State University Theatre Students. 12506484_10154417437838056_1951026028_n

This is going to be a fun event. We have a month full of art activities. If you are in the area here is Festival of Arts website. Check out the booklet with all the Art Activities.

Authorpalooza is on page 59. I have an event page here is the link for it.  This has been a blast organizing.

I am also looking for a children’s literary agent. Been sending out many queries. Gotten a few rejections, The rejections have been much nicer than 10 years ago. So I am getting better.  I do hope a agent will want to work with me in the near future, so I can dedicate more time for writing.

I also started a Facebook Weekly Children’s Author Spotlight from the FB group Kids Read-Author Promo Group. I put up the dates and authors sign up for a spotlight. Then for a week folks have the opportunity to get to know children’s authors and their book, experiences etc. Check them out and interact with the authors. We love to chat, answer questions with folks.

January 31 – February 6 PJ LaRue

February 7 – February 13 Lori Moore https://www

February 14 – February 20 Margretchin Chantal

February 21 – February 27 Janet Balletta


Recently, I have become involved with keeping our water safe. Joined a group who right now are trying to stop an injection well go active in my county. An oil and gas company wants to dump toxic waste from their oil fracking and drilling activities. So I have been educating myself on the issues and going to many meetings and writing many statements and speaking up to our public leaders about how dangerous it really is.  At an EPA Public Hearing, a tear jerking moment. A few HS Students  spoke and asked us adults to protect the water for them and the future.

Of course taking care of my family needs takes priority. Now with three teenagers in the house, we have many drama adventures. Fun fun!

Well you are up to date on things. Just a reminder I currently have 5 children epic adventure illustrated chapter books available for kids ages 7-12. Hope you enjoyed my many adventures. Thanks for stopping in. Enjoy the adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo


Author Judith Wade’s A Mermaid in Whitecap Bay Adventure.


Good Day Folks,

Today’s adventure, I have the honor to introduce a new talented author at Anchor Group Publishing. Judith Wade/ aka  Loraine Hudson. Her book A Mermaid in Whitecap Bay is now available.  Love mermaids. Looks like a fabulous adventure.
A Mermaid in Whitecap Bay
by Judith Wade
Runner Jennifer Miller tries to ignore the mysterious happenings down at Whitecap Bay. 
 She has other things to worry about—a new school, new friends and an upcoming track
meet to name a few. But why is Darrell Hanley spending so much time at the beach, and
what are the strange things he keeps carrying back and forth? When Jennifer’s curiosity
gets the best of her and she follows Darrell, she finds more than she bargained for. There
is a mermaid trapped in the Bay, and Darrell and Jennifer, along with Jennifer’s
unruly dog, Tyrone, embark on a quest to free the mermaid before she is found or worse.
  Can they win this race against time?

Loraine Hudson lives and writes in Eagle, Michigan. She enjoys writing middle grades chapter books, and has published five titles under her pen name,  Judith Wade:  A Mermaid in Whitecap Bay (2011); Faelen, the Horse from the Sea (2009); Mermaid Dreams (2006); The Mermaid’s Gift (2004); and The Secret of Mermaid Island (2003).   She is also the author of numerous short fiction pieces,  including  “My Mother’s House,” in A Cup of Comfort for Families Touched by Alzheimer’s;  “The Birthday Mirror” in Patchwork Path: Treasure Box; and “The Starting Line,” in A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers.  Two of her short pieces about her equine adventures were also published in Down the Aisle Stories (, and she has dabbled in poetry with “Wind Visiting” published in River Poets Journal.  She is a member of “Writing at the Ledges,” an active writer’s group in Grand Ledge, Michigan, and has contributed short fiction pieces to the group’s three anthologies.   She is often at her most creative when she is taking her ex-racehorse out for an amble through the woods.
Loraine also writes under the pen name Judith Wade.

Stalk Loraine/Judith
Hope you enjoyed the getting to know Judith Wade, and her new book A Mermaid in Whitecap Bay. Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB

Christy Sloat, Awaken Adventure!


Good Day Folks,

Today I am pleased to announce talented author Christy Sloat’s follow up to Slumber. Awaken is now available to everyone. Check out Awaken adventure.

Anchor Group is proud to present the highly anticipated follow up to Christy Sloat’s
international best seller, Slumber.  Awaken, Book 2 in the Slumber Duology is finally here. 
Will Rory get her happily ever after?
“Happily ever after is hers for the taking.”
Once upon a time I found myself locked away in Spindle Ridge Asylum,
 punished for a murder I didn’t commit. It was all part of Maleficent’s evil plan.
I didn’t remember who I was then … now I do.
My name is Aurora, and I am the rightful queen of this realm.
Armed with my memories,  I’m ready to take charge of my kingdom once more.
Happily ever after evades me, yet I long to claim it with my true love, Sawyer, beside me.
That fairy tale ending seems impossible with him locked in the thralls of a sleeping curse.
As much as I’d love to sit by his bedside and  eagerly await a cure, I must first travel
into the terrifying Dark Woods to stop Raven from stripping me of all that is
 rightfully mine. I am not only a queen,  but a warrior who will fight for her kingdom.
Some may die. Blood will be shed.
 But when this ending comes, I will settle for nothing less than a blissful ever after.
Published by Anchor Group Publishing
on November 17, 2015
Genre – YA, Fantasy

Currently available through
New to the series?
Grab your copy of Slumber and see how it all began.
Slumber is Sleeping Beauty Grimm style with a Sloat twist.
Never have I read a tale quite like this one.
~ Lynn Shaw of 2Girls & A Book
You have a true talent for words. I can’t wait to see what you have in
store for us in the future and can’t wait to read the next book in this series.
~Michelle Jetton, Author
It’s fast paced and extremely addicting with its dark, twisted, and phenomenally
well written words that just jump out at you and pull you in from the first page.
~ Jenny Bynum of Black Words White Page
Not all princesses get their happily ever after…
They tell me I killed my boyfriend Phillip in cold blood. I stabbed him twenty one times.
I’m only seventeen years old, and I am serving life in Spindle Ridge Asylum for the
Criminally Insane. I don’t remember killing him, so it’s really hard to believe I’m capable
of murder. In fact I don’t remember anything before I came to Spindle Ridge, not even
my boyfriend. I can only grasp onto my realistic dreams while the madness of the
 asylum threatens to pull me under. I dream I’m a beautiful princess and there is an
evil faerie named Maleficent who is bent on my destruction. The dreams are the closest
 thing I have to memories of my life, except they aren’t real. I’m crazy. I’m not a princess.
They’re the mad illusions of an irrational teenage girl, right?
They’ve assigned me a new doctor, and she says I can trust her, and that she’ll help me see
the truth of who I really am. When she arrived she brought a new patient, Sawyer, who is
everything Spindle Ridge isn’t: exciting, mysterious and beautiful. He promises he’s here
to rescue me. Trusting either of them frightens me.Could it be possible that my dreams
are  more than just the imaginings of a delusional girl? Could they be truth?
Available on Amazon
Meet Christy Sloat
Christy Sloat is a SoCal born girl who resides in New Jersey currently with her husband,
two daughters and Sophie her Chihuahua. Christy has embraced the love of reading and
writing since her youth and was inspired by her grandmother’s loving support. Christy passes
that love of reading, writing, and creativity to her daughters, family, and friends. When you
do not find Christy within the pages of a book you can find her being mommy, wife, crafter,
and dear friend. She loves adventurous journeys with her friends and can be known to get
lost inside a bookstore. Be sure to venture into her Past Lives Series, The Visitor’s Series,
and watch for many more exciting things to come.
Stalk Christy on

Amelia & The Secret of Stoney Manor, by Michelle Jetton Adventure!


Good Day Folks,

I am pleased to announce Michelle Jetton’s exciting adventure. Her debut novel has released Amelia & the Secret of Stoney Manor. Check out the adventure details below.


Anchor Group is proud to introduce 
Michelle Jetton 
and her debut novel
Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor
Genre:  Young Adult Paranormal
Release Date:  November 6, 2015
Published By:  Anchor Group Publishing
Amelia is truly not your average girl and neither is her story.Abandoned by her mother at a young age and raised by an overly-protective grandmother,

Matilda, Amelia is confined to the grounds of her childhood home, Stoney Manor. 
Amelia meets Matthew Fairchild, the new boy in town, and quickly becomes 
infatuated with him. Soon Amelia discovers things aren’t always what they seem
in the little town of Cave Spring, Ga.On her 16th birthday, life as she knows it changes. Her grandmother confesses to her that she and her family are witches and the Darkness is after her for her family’s power. Along with her friend, Luna, she embarks on a journey to discover who she really is.

Can she protect her family from the Darkness? Is maintaining her relationship with her new boyfriend Matthew even possible? Can she uncover her family’s secrets or will they remain in the dark forever?

Amazon link for Amelia-Secret of Stoney Manor

Meet The Author 
Michelle Jetton is a mom to an amazing, comical, dancing, baseball playing, wanna-be superhero. She currently resides in Georgia with him and her wonderful fur babies.For as long as Michelle can remember her mind would see stories from things in her everyday life. From making radio shows on her grandparents’ radio to writing scripts for her friends, her passion for writing has only intensified and grown. Recently signed to Anchor Group Publishing, Michelle feels beyond blessed and thankful to them for loving Amelia and giving her a chance to introduce her to the world.

She currently co-writes a website ( in which they feature an Author, Artist, or Photographer of the Month, as well as various other things.

Stalk Michelle on  FACEBOOK      Join her Fan Club      Join the Anchor Group Fan Club
Hope you enjoyed the release information for Author Michelle Jetton’s book Amelia & The Secret of Stoney Manor Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB

Abby & The Mystic Dancers by L.C. Miller Adventure


Good Day Folks,

So honored to announce the release of  L.C Millers debut novel Abby & The Mystic Dancers.  Check out all the details below.


Anchor Group Publishing is proud to present

 L. C. Miller’s debut novel, 

Abby and the Mystic Dancers.


Title:  Abby & The Mystic Dancers

Author:  L. C. Miller

Published November 9, 2015By Anchor Group Publishing

Genre:  Middle Grade/Young Adult Fantasy

As the product of a forbidden alliance between the elemental Mystics and the wand carrying Wielders -two distinct, often feuding, magical realms -acceptance is something fourteen-year-old Abby has fought with for the last four years. When an alliance is formed between the Mystic Dancers and the Wielder’s, Abby is given the chance to live with a Wielder’s family and attend Wielders Academy of Magical Arts. In order to do so, she first has make three promises to the Mystic Dancers leader … Tell no one she’s half Mystic, that her father is a Wielder who is also a wanted criminal, or that she can transform into anything she wants.Her day-to-day life of secrets, school work, and dancing is interrupted when her mother’s murder case goes to trial. The Mystics believe they finally caught the killer, who happens to be the father of one of Abby’s new friends. Abby has a choice to make – reveal her secrets, or let a man she knows is innocent go to prison

Meet The Author


I have loved reading since I was old enough to do it. I started writing in my down time in 2006 and have been doing it ever since.Reading, writing, and hanging out with my family are some of my favorite things – along with hot chocolate and pizza (not together, of course).

With a bachelors in Accounting, writing has been a great way to unwind and let my imagination fly.

Stalk L. C. Miller on

Gambit, by Allen Longstreet Thriller Adventure!


Good Day Folks,

I really love being a writer and getting to know writers. My writing currently is sending kids age 7-12 on epic magical adventures when the dragon flies. I am blessed that so many writers of all genres have become a wonderful peer group adventure.  Every once in a while you stumble across an exceptional writer. Allen Longstreet and I became FB friends just by sheer luck after a comment I made which led me to unfriend someone on FB. I have enjoyed our conversations as young Mr. Longstreet has been working on his book Gambit. Once he published it, I downloaded it the day it was released.  The book grabs you right away and the action never stops. I have been telling many people about my conversations lately with young adults in their 20’s.  They have been giving me hope in the future of our troubled country. They get it and are trying to figure out how the put an end to the powers to be take over.  This fictional political thriller does just that. My review.

gambitgambit 2Gambit by Allen Longstreet Gambit Amazon Link
WOW! Author Allen Longstreet is a talented writer. I was on the edge with this thriller the entire read. I felt I was with the characters as they were trying to figure out how to stay alive and take down the powers that want to control the people. Mr. Longstreet takes what is happening today in our country and spins a realistic exciting tale of what it takes to put an end to corruption. Fear, being on the run, meeting others, love, loss, taking action and sacrifice in order to maintain the belief of the people to strive for a more perfect nation. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” – Abraham Lincoln. This book would make a great movie. Keep on writing Mr Longstreet.


allen A little about the author Allen Longstreet

Allen Longstreet is a fiction author who resides in Hickory, North Carolina. Now at 21, he has been writing ever since he was a child, and novels have always been the goal. With a background in Botany and Ecological sciences, he has a preference in Post-Apocalyptic and survival. Allen has a strong interest with contemporary issues and problems society faces in this day and age. He plans on writing across a broad-spectrum of fiction, creating characters and stories we all can become attached to. He also works full time and is a full time university student who loves to travel and explore the earth. Keep up with Author Allen Longstreet on FB

Hope you enjoyed the review of Gambit by Allen Longstreet.  Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB WendyBookcaseLogo
