What Happened to the Boy Who Wanted to Touch the Moon

James Saves the Moon

James Saves the Moon

Good Day Folks,

Today, I woke up wondering what happened to the boy who wanted to touch the moon and inspired me to dream again. Every morning this smart imaginative child would tell me all the places he went during the night. I remember him telling a doctor in kindergarten how he wanted to be an archeologists and he said it correctly. He wanted to visit the pyramids and told him all about them and other information about Egypt. The doctor was so impressed with this little boy, he took him back to his lab to show him how he tested the blood to find out what could be wrong with people. The little boy who went missing one day in Akureyri, Iceland, who got lost but excitedly told me about all the people and places he discovered finding his way home.

I wonder when did I lose the boy who dreamed big things and wanted adventure. This little boy is now an young adult and headed down a raggedy path full of gnarly branches that keep grabbing him.  I wonder will he find a smoother path and look up see the light glittering on a drip of water, with the dragons reflection  that floats down and lands on his forehead from the cold ice melting on those crooked branches as new colorful leaves begin to bud to  release the dreams and see the beauty of wonder and adventure again. When he wipes the drip will the dragon be there for him to take flight.  Hope


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