Online events, water and sickies adventure!


Good Day Folks,


authorspotlightThis week I am hosting a Children’s Author Spotlight. There is a new one every week. This is fun as well. Authors, parents join to find out about children’s books. Folks have the opportunity to ask about my books, and writing adventures. Authors ask about the writing business.  I really enjoy chatting, sharing with folks. Tonight at 9pm EST, I will be randomly giving away two ebooks from amazon. Join the event and find the post that gets you in the drawing by just leaving a comment on the post. Here is the link Wendy Nystrom Children’s Author Spotlight.

springflingAnchor Group Publishing, my publisher is hosting a Spring Fling all month. Last week I had a blast hosting a day. The participates are so much fun. If you are looking for new authors, books, prizes join the FB event here is the link a different author each day many genres. Anchor Group Publishing Spring Fling

bethalexMy two dragonets(twin daughters)  have been sick this week each. Daughter B, two days behind Daughter A. Both are back in school today. Interesting last night my daughter informed me that my treatment suggestions for fever, sore throat and cough she discovered online at some site. I said, so now do you think I know what I am talking about. Sure is a different. When I was a kid, pretty much what mom or dad suggested to feel better was believed even if the cough medicine tasted awful, we took it no questions asked. Now, kids check online to confirm family remedies. I don’t use over the counter cold and flu medicines. I have not for many years now. I find they do very little and often make things worse. Although if a temperature goes over 101 I will give them a Tylenol or Advil. In most cases a low temperature is a good thing, it means your body is naturally fighting the illness. Of course if it lasts more than 5 days, a doctors visit maybe needed to see if it is a bacterial infection.  Here is my recipe for most cold and flu issues

1/2 teaspoon of honey

1/4 teaspoon ginger and turmeric

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

Warm or cold water (fill glass)

Now my girls do not care for honey so I mask the taste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

Mix with a spoon and ask them to drink it. You can give them as many glasses they will drink. It does make them feel better. By the way my husband and  I drink a glass of this every morning.

I also give everyone a cod liver supplement daily. During the winter months I take 2 to 3 a day. Kids just one a day if they will take it. It is important to get vitamin D in your diet during the dark months of the year. Besides vitamin C. Our bodies do not store D and the sun is one of the sources for Vitamin D. It is needed to keep your immune system strong. Cod liver is a good source for this. The girls were better in 4 days. I am lucky my family does not get ill that often.

The other thing I suggest is gargle with salt water. Helps clear flem, and heal the sore throat. I also have my family drop a couple of drops of saline nasal spray. I just drop a couple drops on their fingers and they sniff them up.  This way I do not have to purchase a bottle for each person.  Now my kids are old enough to take care of this themselves. Helps with stuffed up noses. My favorite brand of saline nasal spray is Ocean. 

All these remedies I use confirmed by my daughters research online. So happy.

My other adventure is being part of the Water Protectors in my county. A couple of months ago I saw a post of an informational meeting about a permit for an injection well to dump toxic brine waste caused from fracking.  By the end of the meeting I was on the board of the water protectors. What an adventure this is turning into. This group of people have done so much research and keep at it to stop the injection well permit. It appears since states around us are putting a stop to dumping toxic waste underground from fracking in injection wells. Due to poisoning water and earthquakes. Michigan and my county have been targeted to become a dumping ground for oil and gas companies to transport this toxic brine waste from fracking. We have already had earthqakes happen in another area from injection wells in my state. Water has been poisoned and will be poisoned. Now why would our department MIDEQ who is suppose to protect our water been allowing a state with 20% of the worlds fresh water supply to become a toxic waste site. And the EPA also has to sign off on this stuff why would they allow it too. Instead of creating our own non-profit group, we have now become a committee under the Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation. Link and will continue to fight against becoming a toxic waste site.

Well that is my adventures lately. Thank you for stopping in. Enjoy the Adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo


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