2018 Goal Adventure


Good Day & Happy New Year I am  looking forward to 2018

2017 not the best year, but not the worst year either. It was a year of identifying the changes I need to achieve future goals. Change takes huge amount of time, research and dedicated work to make it happen. I am so glad I can move on to implementing the change hopefully in 2018 and see some positive results.

First thing I am doing is setting goals, not resolutions. When you set resolutions often it results in depressing failures. But working towards goals pushes us to achieve and this can lead to fabulous new adventures.

My first goal of my writing career is to find an outstanding children’s literary agent. I truly believe after 10 years of being in this business and published by independent publishers, winning awards, great reviews, and emails from fans, that my books would be best sellers if I was contracted with a children’s publisher. Sadly the majority of children publishers do not accept unsolicited submissions. So you must have a literary agent.   I currently have 5 finished magical realism adventures, that ignites children ages 7-12 imaginations as they fly on the back of Matthias the dragon.  They meet and learn that preconceived notions of creatures and people are not what they seem. Most folks are interesting and enjoy adventures too. Adults that have read my stories have told me they are taken back to their childhood and are reminded of the imaginary adventures they thought of when they were young.    Pure pleasure. The adventures are currently magical realism illustrated chapter books, which could be made into graphic novels for children. I add some Icelandic folklore and cleverly hidden life learning messages as children learn about the Icelandic hidden people.

Book 1: James Saves the Moon–  James, a young boy, sees the moon sitting on the mountain in Iceland. He decides he must touch the moon. Along the way, he meets Syvok, who calls on his friend Matthias a dragon to fly them to the top of the mountain.  The moon is stuck, and the three must work together to release it, without ending up in space themselves.

Book 2: Helga Returns– James adventure begins with a footprint. He once again calls out to his Icelandic magical friends, Syvok and Mattias to discover what it means. He will find Helga the troll who left the footprint. James follows Helga to Yamas, the troll village. Will they be left on a glacier or when the earth tremors will they save the Guardian Troll from danger? Will Syvok and Matthias reach James in time to save him?

Book 3: Tomfoolery and 13 Yule Lads of Iceland–  26 days of Yuletide adventures.  Matthias the dragon knocks on James window and is whisked away to meet the Icelandic 13 Santas.  Christmas Cat gets James in serious trouble and he must go home. Tomfoolery happens as the Yule Lads visit  James every evening 13 days before Christmas. One yule lad must be saved when he falls into a crevice. Fires, dancing, and fireworks to say goodbye to the Icelandic hidden folks at the end of the yuletide season.

Book 4: Amongst the Clouds– James and Syvok 4th adventure has a new mystery floating about. Jame is curious to explore the iridescent cloud. All the colors of a rainbow glow,  surely there are new adventures as the dragons soar. Come along and meet new friends and old enemies. Dragons, cats, old hag and more. Join the adventures up in the sky and help the wizard find her magical key before old Hag steals the magical travel cloud.

Book 5: Sleigh Ride– Santa’s reindeer broke his sleigh! James and Syvok get whisked away to help save the day with Mattias, the dragon. The threes stop at the Yule Lads home to deliver their sleigh to the North Pole.  Along the way they are delayed by a polar bear, searching for her cub, who is floating on a block of ice in the arctic ocean. They must help, but will this delay Santa Claus?

All the above books are Amazon currently. Amazon Wendy Nystrom



Book 6: Magic Carousel: This book is in the editing stage.  James and his family are planning a trip back home to Minnesota. James is once again whisked away to Helga’s cave. He is given a mission to find a magic carousel at the zoo and see if a mermaid and ogre who went missing a long time ago and turned to stone are on the carousel. Syvok the Icelandic elf/fairy travels with James to Minnesota. They have many comical adventures while vacationing and find the carousel. With the help of all his Icelandic friends, sisters, and carousel caretaker, they work together to bring the mermaid back home. But what about the ogre? How long can they all keep the travel tunnel open?

I am also working on a novel called the New Moon Brethren. This story is magical realism set in Portland, OR. The new moon brethren is a secret society with regional headquarters that were set up on mother earth to take out the dark one regime so that all of mother earth creatures can live out in the open again.  It opens with Blaze the dragon waiting for her team to assemble. Their mission to bring a wolf changeling and her young daughter in, to be protected. The mission does not go as planned. Blaze and her old troman friend lose their mates but save young Isabelle, who may one day become an important leader at the New Moon Brethren. The dark one Delray, who was created, 1000 years ago by mistake due to a poor decision of his dragon mother, wants to bring Isabelle into his regime. She holds the DNA to create the next clan that can control earth. The novel is about halfway done.

A little about author Wendy Nystrom. I grew up in St.Paul, MN and have many adventures at different locations the last 25 years. I started writing epic magical fantasy stories for children while living in Iceland in 2005.  My son looked out the window and saw the moon sitting on the mountain. He then told me he was going to climb the mountain and touch the moon. That evening I dreamed about him going on the adventure and in the morning I was handwriting the story.  One evening while watching the moon on the mountain, changed my life. A key turned and unlocked my imagination.  I have been dreaming and writing adventures since that magical night in Iceland. I earned a BA in urban planning at Texas State University. I am married and have 3 wonderful adventurous children. I have lived many places MN, TX, ID, CO, Iceland, WV, MI. I have held many different job positions, management, customer service, sales, security, and now writing. I have visited classrooms and inspired children to write, as well as participated at a  childrens writing conference. I have been placed on organizations boards in my community

I have been told by many that my writing is original and outstanding. I am a talented storyteller and looking forward to working with someone who can move my writing career forward. I am easy to work with, open to ideas and love learning new things.  I know a little about a  lot of things.

If you are interested in contacting me, my email is wendysbookcase@gmail.com

Thank you for dropping in today. Enjoy the adventure the day brings you.  WB

Magical Realism Adventures Chapter Books Ages 7-12 by Wendy Nystrom





What If Adventure


One of my favorite blogs is https://theblabbermouthblog.com/ by Linda Epstein. Her and guest post are witty, engaging and informative. Last week she announced she was done blogging. This announcement kind of bummed me out for a couple of days. Then it reminded me of how she enlightened me about the business of writing and one of her guest post changed my outlook about writing, and life. The title is “Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas?” by Joe McGee.

What if?  What a great question.This question opens up our imagination, thinking and leads to problem solving plans.  I am incorporating this in to my life, writing and interactions with people. The next time I have the privilege of being in a classroom, conference, presentation, meeting, helping with homework I will ask what if. I have also began using it as I write.  This question is a guiding tool for nearly anything and we don’t even realize it that many of us use this  question while pursuing objectives or goals. What if the moon is sitting on a mountain? I know  when I was writing my first book back in 2005 after my son noticed the moon on the mountain in Iceland. I asked this question what if frequently when writing the story.

James Saves the Moon

I recently ran into a teacher who invites me to her classroom,  at the grocery store. While we were waiting in line, I informed her of my favorite writing blog and the post I mentioned above. “What If” She loved the idea also, and informed me she will use the what if tool in her 4th grade class.

When my children are struggling or frustrated with school work, I am going to ask what if you could solve it. I think this will calm them down to think about using another approach rather than thinking they are not smart enough.

What if you enjoy the adventure the day brings you? I hope you enjoyed the What If  adventure today.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB Magical Realism Adventures Chapter Books Ages 7-12 by Wendy Nystrom



Imagining and Dreaming Future Adventure!


I googled, dragon imagine the possibilities, and this wonderful graphic popped up. I don’t know the artist, but this is enchanting and beautiful.

Imagining and dreaming about the future. What it would be like to see children’s eyes light up after reading one of my books and telling me their stories. What if an agent emailed and said I love your imagination. I want more, let’s get to work on opening children’s imaginations so they can soar. Children publisher’s will fight over your stories.
Looking at my various query letters and notes. Wondering how I grab the imagination of a literary agent. Let them know when the dragon knocks at your window the imagination flies with the dragon on a wondrous adventure. Children need their imaginations to be allowed to fly.
Getting ready for when many agencies and publishers open back up in September, asking for submissions. Well that is where my imagination adventure flew today.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB



Online events, water and sickies adventure!


Good Day Folks,


authorspotlightThis week I am hosting a Children’s Author Spotlight. There is a new one every week. This is fun as well. Authors, parents join to find out about children’s books. Folks have the opportunity to ask about my books, and writing adventures. Authors ask about the writing business.  I really enjoy chatting, sharing with folks. Tonight at 9pm EST, I will be randomly giving away two ebooks from amazon. Join the event and find the post that gets you in the drawing by just leaving a comment on the post. Here is the link Wendy Nystrom Children’s Author Spotlight.

springflingAnchor Group Publishing, my publisher is hosting a Spring Fling all month. Last week I had a blast hosting a day. The participates are so much fun. If you are looking for new authors, books, prizes join the FB event here is the link a different author each day many genres. Anchor Group Publishing Spring Fling

bethalexMy two dragonets(twin daughters)  have been sick this week each. Daughter B, two days behind Daughter A. Both are back in school today. Interesting last night my daughter informed me that my treatment suggestions for fever, sore throat and cough she discovered online at some site. I said, so now do you think I know what I am talking about. Sure is a different. When I was a kid, pretty much what mom or dad suggested to feel better was believed even if the cough medicine tasted awful, we took it no questions asked. Now, kids check online to confirm family remedies. I don’t use over the counter cold and flu medicines. I have not for many years now. I find they do very little and often make things worse. Although if a temperature goes over 101 I will give them a Tylenol or Advil. In most cases a low temperature is a good thing, it means your body is naturally fighting the illness. Of course if it lasts more than 5 days, a doctors visit maybe needed to see if it is a bacterial infection.  Here is my recipe for most cold and flu issues

1/2 teaspoon of honey

1/4 teaspoon ginger and turmeric

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

Warm or cold water (fill glass)

Now my girls do not care for honey so I mask the taste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

Mix with a spoon and ask them to drink it. You can give them as many glasses they will drink. It does make them feel better. By the way my husband and  I drink a glass of this every morning.

I also give everyone a cod liver supplement daily. During the winter months I take 2 to 3 a day. Kids just one a day if they will take it. It is important to get vitamin D in your diet during the dark months of the year. Besides vitamin C. Our bodies do not store D and the sun is one of the sources for Vitamin D. It is needed to keep your immune system strong. Cod liver is a good source for this. The girls were better in 4 days. I am lucky my family does not get ill that often.

The other thing I suggest is gargle with salt water. Helps clear flem, and heal the sore throat. I also have my family drop a couple of drops of saline nasal spray. I just drop a couple drops on their fingers and they sniff them up.  This way I do not have to purchase a bottle for each person.  Now my kids are old enough to take care of this themselves. Helps with stuffed up noses. My favorite brand of saline nasal spray is Ocean. 

All these remedies I use confirmed by my daughters research online. So happy.

My other adventure is being part of the Water Protectors in my county. A couple of months ago I saw a post of an informational meeting about a permit for an injection well to dump toxic brine waste caused from fracking.  By the end of the meeting I was on the board of the water protectors. What an adventure this is turning into. This group of people have done so much research and keep at it to stop the injection well permit. It appears since states around us are putting a stop to dumping toxic waste underground from fracking in injection wells. Due to poisoning water and earthquakes. Michigan and my county have been targeted to become a dumping ground for oil and gas companies to transport this toxic brine waste from fracking. We have already had earthqakes happen in another area from injection wells in my state. Water has been poisoned and will be poisoned. Now why would our department MIDEQ who is suppose to protect our water been allowing a state with 20% of the worlds fresh water supply to become a toxic waste site. And the EPA also has to sign off on this stuff why would they allow it too. Instead of creating our own non-profit group, we have now become a committee under the Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation. Link http://www.savemiwater.org/ and will continue to fight against becoming a toxic waste site.

Well that is my adventures lately. Thank you for stopping in. Enjoy the Adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo




Many Many Adventures more than writing!


Good Day Folks,

I always say I need to blog every week but seem to have so many things come up. I will try to get better at letting you know what my latest adventure is.

ac promo 1First my publisher Anchor Group Publishing has my book 4, Amongst the Clouds on sale this month. This adventure is for ages 7-12. What could be hidden in a cloud? Epic Adventure of Course. http://www.amazon.com/Amongst-Clouds-James-Syvok-Adventure-ebook/dp/B00LV3Y8CQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454610403&sr=8-1&keywords=amongst+the+clouds

Wow, I have been busy. I am still editing book 6 working title Magic Carousel. Sure is a fun adventure. I introduce two new characters,Tina and Timothy.

Mermaid_Tina  Ogre_TimothyI also been editing and writing my novel New Moon Brethren. I had to take a break from my writers group, rather bummed. But just not enough time for it right now. 

I was asked by Big Rapids Festival of Arts to organize an Authorpalooza Event for them. What a a fun adventure it has become. 40+ authors are coming February 20th to Big Rapids 1pm to 4PM. Plus classic book characters will be wandering around to interact with you. Thanks to Ferris State University Theatre Students. 12506484_10154417437838056_1951026028_n

This is going to be a fun event. We have a month full of art activities. If you are in the area here is Festival of Arts website. Check out the booklet with all the Art Activities. http://www.brfota.org/

Authorpalooza is on page 59. I have an event page here is the link for it. https://www.facebook.com/events/1107965342554486/.  This has been a blast organizing.

I am also looking for a children’s literary agent. Been sending out many queries. Gotten a few rejections, The rejections have been much nicer than 10 years ago. So I am getting better.  I do hope a agent will want to work with me in the near future, so I can dedicate more time for writing.

I also started a Facebook Weekly Children’s Author Spotlight from the FB group Kids Read-Author Promo Group. I put up the dates and authors sign up for a spotlight. Then for a week folks have the opportunity to get to know children’s authors and their book, experiences etc. Check them out and interact with the authors. We love to chat, answer questions with folks.

January 31 – February 6 PJ LaRue https://www.facebook.com/events/928039850567166/

February 7 – February 13 Lori Moore https://www facebook.com/events/627162244088797/

February 14 – February 20 Margretchin Chantal  https://www.facebook.com/events/931170276930005/

February 21 – February 27 Janet Balletta https://www.facebook.com/events/574408682712211/


Recently, I have become involved with keeping our water safe. Joined a group who right now are trying to stop an injection well go active in my county. An oil and gas company wants to dump toxic waste from their oil fracking and drilling activities. So I have been educating myself on the issues and going to many meetings and writing many statements and speaking up to our public leaders about how dangerous it really is.  At an EPA Public Hearing, a tear jerking moment. A few HS Students  spoke and asked us adults to protect the water for them and the future.

Of course taking care of my family needs takes priority. Now with three teenagers in the house, we have many drama adventures. Fun fun!

Well you are up to date on things. Just a reminder I currently have 5 children epic adventure illustrated chapter books available for kids ages 7-12. Hope you enjoyed my many adventures. Thanks for stopping in. Enjoy the adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo



Helga Returns Autumn Special Epic Adventure!


Good Day Folks!

autumn promo Anchor Group Publishing has the epic adventure Helga Returns ebook on sale to celebrate autumn. Illustrated epic adventure when the dragon flies magical tales the entire family will enjoy. Ages 7-12.(Just a reminder if you purchase my book in print I will send you a signed book plate for free, just email at wendysbookcase@gmail.com)

Helga Returns Amazon Link

Helga Returns Barnes and Noble Link

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

Helga Returns – A James and Syvok Adventure by Wendy Nystrom is about the adventures of James for the second time. He finds a footprint and he asks his friends Syvok and Matthias to help him find out about the footprint. They discover that it is Helga’s footprint and follow it into the troll village. Will they be able to save the troll and will Syvok and Matthias be able to save James?
It is an absolutely delightful story for children. The story has many underlying messages in it. I liked the fact that it introduces them to glaciers. Any book is educational for a reader because it will have information to offer that gives you an opportunity to learn. The characters of James, Syvok, and Matthias capture the interest of the reader but the most appealing character is Helga, the troll. Iceland as a backdrop is another interesting aspect of this book. It is a magical story of James along with the two Icelanders, Syvok and Matthias. The story does not lose its tempo and the beautiful illustrations give the characters an identity which makes it easier for children to relate to them.
The biggest advantage of adventure stories is that they encourage children to think and be imaginative. It gives them the freedom to dream, experiment, think differently, and create their own characters. I found the little trolls and dragonets very interesting and they add to the whimsical quality of the story.

James Saves the Moon ebook where the epic adventures began is always on sale for 99 pennies. 

James Saves the Moon Amazon Linkaward ad

James Saves the Moon Barnes and Noble Link


Reviewed By Bil Howard for Readers’ Favorite 5 Stars

“James Saves the Moon”, written by Wendy Nystrom, is a delightful children’s picture book that combines a child’s imagination with Icelandic mythology. The illustrations by Jim Weidman, in a blue tone with colorful characters, lend a mythological feel to the story of a young boy (James), who sees the moon over one of the high mountains and decides that if he climbs to the top of the mountain he can reach out and touch the moon. Slipping quietly out of his bedroom window, he sets out on his journey. On his way up the mountain he stumbles over some rocks and disturbs one of Iceland’s mythological figures (Syvok), who joins him on his journey. They suddenly realize that unless they move faster, the moon will leave before they make it to the top of the mountain. In order that they can move faster, Syvok summons a dragon (Matthias), who allows them to ride on his back. They discover that the moon is stuck on the mountain and they will have to help get it unstuck. The three work as a team to set the moon free and while doing so, James truly does touch the moon.

The color of the illustrations by Jim Weidman and the very well-written story by Wendy Nystrom
make “James Saves the Moon” a rare treasure for a children’s picture book. Its simplicity combined with the kind of story that stirs the imagination of a child make it something that will stick in the mind of the reader for a lifetime. This book gives a little bit of a taste of the colorful and flavorful history of Iceland and its traditions. It is highly recommended for its ability to help stir a child’s imagination. A wonderfully simple and delightful tale.

Hope you enjoyed the the sale adventure. Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB    WendyBookcaseLogo



Children’s Author James Gordan, “Hi My Name is Bobo” Adventure!


Good Day Folks,

Today’s featured author is children’s author James Gordan enjoy the adventure!

A Weekend in the life of a 5th grader how fun. I had the pleasure of meeting this talented author at a children’s writers conference.


Today we meet James Gordon, a children’s author! 
Enjoy our interview and getting to know James.
And then check out the buy links, and links to connect!


Hi James, thanks for joining us today! Ready for a grilling?
Here we go!
Where did you get your
inspiration for writing?
 Life experiences are the best subject matter.
What do you see in
your future of writing?
 Having Bobo be a household name as well as the author
behind him
What genres do you
hope to explore more of? 
Children’s Fiction and Hi My Name is Bobo is a step in
the right direction.

 Are your characters based on anyone?

 Bobo is
based on my life

How did you publish
your books? Do you recommend others do this?
 I went through Amazon/CreateaSpace If you do not have a traditional author behind you I do.

Tell us a little about

A) Did you always want to write? 
Have been writing since I was in grade school


 B) Do you have a family?

  Yes and a close one

(Mother Brother Daughter and
Scooter the Beagle)


C) Do you work besides being an author?

 Yes I am a performer as well.


D) What kind of hobbies do you enjoy? 

Video games, comic books reading cycling


E) Do you have pets?

 Scooter the Beagle is my sibling.

F) What is the most embarrassing thing you have done/participated in? 

                      —-When I
was teaching, I slipped from the desk and fell.


G) What is something humbling you have done and learned from? 

The roar of the
crowd from my last performance 

at the Cavalcade of Authors is something I’ve
never heard before.


H) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

 Being recognized as the greatest
poet of our time

Silly fun:
1) You just won a
million dollars- what do you do first?  
Purchase a Porsche Pananmera
2) You won a trip
around the world, but you pick the destinations, 
where are you visiting and
London, France Dubai, Japan, and Maine. 

I’ve chosen these destinations because
I have never been,

 and these might be destinations to provide 

experiences to
facilitate my writing.

3) Its
Halloween…people can find you dressed as? 
Batman the Dark Knight
4) Morning person or
night person? 
Both. Afternoons aren’t my thing.
5) Favorite cold
breakfast food? 
Honey Nut Cheerios
6) Authors have
multiple personalities…
what are some of yours, and how do they behave?
           —— James
is modest while G.P.A. is a tad arrogant.
7) Describe yourself
using these letters 

James Jocular,
 Mama’s boy,

8) Favorite Drink:

 Chocolate milk

9) Do you like to
cook—if so what kinds of food…if not-what do you like to eat? 
I love to
10) What is something
unique about you? I don’t sleep much.
11) A genie granted
you 3 wishes…what are they? 
Good and improved health and wealth for my
entire family,
 right the wrongs I have done in my life, and to meet my true

12) What is your
favorite quote in life?
 Whether you like it, don’t like it sit down andlook at
it because it is the best thing going today. “Ric Flair”

If you could tell your
childhood self some advice for the future-
what would that be?Be more
courageous. Do not run.

Strive to be the best because it’s in you.

If you had to give advice to children out there wanting to 

become an author, aspiring to get their books published… 

what would that

 Practice. Read. Practice. Read. Travel. Read.


What is your Favorite book?

 Knight Fall (The Tale of the Battle between Batman and Bane)

2) If you have to give
a recommended classics reading list to teens…
what would it contain? Catcher
in the Rye , Invisible Man, Batman comics, 

Cyrano De Bergerac, and anything by
Nathaniel Hawthorne



3) What are your go-to children’s books to share with
Hi MY Name is Bobo, Judy Blume
Harry Potter
You can buy James book at:
You can connect with James at:
Hope you enjoyed getting to know Author James Gordon. Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB WendyBookcaseLogo

Einstein & Moo, Author Jennifer Milius Wild Adventure!


Good Day Folks,

Time to introduce two fun cats Einstein & Moo book series written by children author Jennifer Milius. Your kids will love the adventures.


Jen Milius and the Einstein and Moo Children’s Book Series
 Lets meet introduce the two main characters
and real life kitties – Einstein and Moo.
Einstein is a flirty, nosey cat with some white around his mouth
and very white whiskers, thus how he got his name.
 He is quite talkative and will talk even more when it is close
to mealtime; sometimes, he will play fetch. Moo is short for Mooshu,
 the name of the little sidekick in Disney’s Mulan,
 although this Mooshu is more like the second sidekick in Mulan
named Cricket who is sweet and gentle. My Moo squeaks
more than meows, and she loves to climb in your lap and snuggle for hours.
Einstein & Moo and the Quest for the Catnip is the latest release
from the Einstein and Moo children’s book series,
which is about two black-and-white, brother and sister kitties
that are playful, curious, friendly and have many interesting adventures.
 Einstein & Moo and the Quest for the Catnip is book three within the series
and is about Einstein and Moo’s favorite treat, a green leafy plant called catnip. It grows outside, and even though they are indoor kitties, they want to find a way to get outside and have some. This may mean that they have to be creative and help each other, but to them, the treat is worth it!I was inspired to write about our kitties because of my love for animals, storytelling, children, and books. To me, when someone shares a book with a child, they share an act of love. So for this particular book, I was inspired by how much Einstein and Moo love the fresh catnip that my family grows in a little pot on our back porch. When they do get to have some, the kitties get the same amount of leaves; however, Moo receives her portion all at once and Einstein receives his one at a time, otherwise he will inhale his portion and all of Moo’s too!
 The first two books of the Einstein and Moo series are Einstein and the Leaf and Moo and the Case of the Mistaken Identity, and coming soon will be a coloring book based on the series.
 Books can be purchased at,
Connect on Twitter at www.twitter.com/@AuthorJenMilius
Hope you enjoyed getting to know Jennifer Milius and Einsten and Moo. Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB  WendyBookcaseLogo

Jodi Stone An Easter Bonnet for Lily Adventure!

Good Day Folks,
I loved this Easter Story.  Your children’s imagination will run wild while reading this magical Easter Adventure!  This book would be perfect in an Easter Basket.
Its the Easter Bunny season,
and Kidtales is celebrating 
by sharing Easter Reads!!
Jodi Stone…Children’s Book Author and Illustrator
has one of our favorites with,
An Easter Bonnett for Lily!
Easter Bunny in training, Lily, has lost her way. 
She is cute and feisty, and everyone in the town of Tulip adores her.
 While most bunnies are planning for Easter, Lily cannot see past her ears. 
On the other side of town, three little girls are preparing for the big day as well. 
One little girl in particular, Savannah, is not as excited as she usually is. 
While her sisters are painting eggs and preparing for the big egg hunt,
 Savannah is concerned that her attire is not as fancy as it should be.
 Join Lily and Savannah as they both learn that Easter is not just
 about looking perfect, but more about family and friendship. 
Travel on this journey and discover the magic.
ON SALE FOR $0.99 
Buy Today…
Kidtales recommends this read
 with a high 5 stars! 
You can connect with Jodi Stone, Author and Illustrator at the links below!
Jodi is published with Solstice Publishing,
as well as Anchor Group Publishing.
Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB  WendyBookcaseLogo

Lost Adventure March 3, 2014


Good Day Folks,

A year ago today I lost all memories of this day and my head went platinum.  I remember most of March 2nd but not March 3rd. I went to the ER in my small city thinking I needed some fluids for the flu after being ill for 9 days. This was right after turning 50 and the next day was in bed with flu symptoms. I did go to the ER in the middle of the 9 days but their was a bunch of chaos so I told my husband to take me home. Anyway the second time going to the ER on March 2nd, I walked in with my husband at my side weak and my left brown eye had moved towards my nose. I had double vision and thought I will get some fluids and feel much better. I guess I was complaining of a head ache but do not remember that. The ER doctor immediately put me in a bed and called to have me transferred to a hospital in Grand Rapids. I did have a scan which showed I had two bleeding aneurisms. The ambulance arrived and I enjoyed chatting with the nice young woman EMT person sitting next to me.   Upon arriving at the hospital they set me up in intensive care and then rolled me down to have another scan. Jim my husband arrived by the time I was returned to my room in intensive care and a neurosurgeon arrived to inform us about my condition. Pretty much the last thing I remember. The next day March 3rd I had brain surgery. I do not remember any of this day. They placed two platinum coils in my arteries to stop the bleeding.  It worked and and they did not have cut open my head. They went all the way to my brain from the inside of my thigh. The little tiny wound never bothered me at all. I remember my second visitor Chris Fox. Sorry Amy Bowling I don’t remember your visit.  March 4th,I remember arguing with a nurse about getting up to go to the bathroom. She wanted me to use a bed pan. Nope not doing that as long as I could get up. She told me I was an unusaul patient in ICU with my condition most are unconscious. When I told my friends this they all laughed and said nothing stops me from talking and being bossy.  On the 5th day they moved me out of the ICU and discharged me from the hospital. I walked out on my own.

A year later  enlightenment.  Upon arriving home my kids all hugged me and were happy I was home. I found out my wonderful neighbors the DeBolds picked up my kids at school and made dinner for them, hung out with them at the house so my husband could come down and be with me. My mother in law did not have to to come out to help. Luckily my husband was on sabbatical so he could be with me 24/7 during my recovery. I was really lucky I also discovered all these people in my small city of Big Rapids who care about me. My friends Robin Stratton and Chris Fox  set up an update page on Facebook. My friend Candice Simpson posted on my pages for me. My publisher delayed the release date for book 4 Amongst the Clouds, she told me to  just let her know when I am able to read the edits from the editor. I am really a truly blessed person.  My recovery has been remarkable. I rested for a couple weeks. Then began making dinner again, my kids were so happy because their dad just does not cook very well. In may I started walking around the block and increased the distance when I felt strong enough. When the snow came I started yoga+ low impact work out. My husband was concerned I may slip so did not want me walking by myself. It got to cold anyway. I traveled to Orlando to pick up a best childrens award for Helga Returns by myself.  I got to meet some people who I met on Facebook in person and they are more wonderful in person and now friends in the real world too. MCV Egan and Jodi Stone two talented authors and truly beautiful in person been traveling this writing adventure with me for years on facebook it was so wonderful to hug and laugh in person. It  is quite interesting traveling with double vision. My spectacular  in-laws arrived in June and helped me around the house. My vision was back to normal and they took the kids a week later on a wonderful trip to D.C and Niagara Falls. I started writing again while my kids were on vacation. This was one of the things I was truly worried about not be able to spin a story again. My dearest pals picked me up for ladies night out when I was ready to be in public it was fun seeing two of each at the dinner table and I managed not to spill anything in the restaruant. 

One of my first outings in town was to stop in a pick up my favorite chocolates down town at the Old Pioneer store and the wonderful owner ran up to me gave me a hug.  Carleen told me how happy she was to see me alive and doing so well.  This past year I have traveled, inspired a classroom of children to write, talked about writing to Ms Cosper’s  university students, talked with families and children in Cadillac. Brought in 20 authors to our community library with the help of Diane Scarpelli and Library director. Worked with some incredible people in the community. Published two more children’s books. My muse from my novel visited me every time I slept help to heal me and told me the story of the New Moon Brethren. Fun times and travels with my family.  I recently joined local writers group to help with my writing and discovered some more incredible talented folks. And it helping me focus and be able to write for longer periods of time.

I have had a fun filled year of adventure and was enlightened of how blessed I am with family, and friends and what a wonderful community Big Rapids truly is.  Enjoyed a fun filled family Christmas trip southwest.  I still walk a little funny but it hardly noticable and at times stumble with words but it is truly wonderful watching my children grow and achieve, talk with my husband every day. I make sure I tell my family I love them every day.  I want to thank everyone for all you do and how spectacular you are. Every day we wake up is truly another wonderful magical adventure so enjoy each day!

Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB  WendyBookcaseLogo  10672063_696445830440443_7679188720990872076_n
