2018 Goal Adventure


Good Day & Happy New Year I am  looking forward to 2018

2017 not the best year, but not the worst year either. It was a year of identifying the changes I need to achieve future goals. Change takes huge amount of time, research and dedicated work to make it happen. I am so glad I can move on to implementing the change hopefully in 2018 and see some positive results.

First thing I am doing is setting goals, not resolutions. When you set resolutions often it results in depressing failures. But working towards goals pushes us to achieve and this can lead to fabulous new adventures.

My first goal of my writing career is to find an outstanding children’s literary agent. I truly believe after 10 years of being in this business and published by independent publishers, winning awards, great reviews, and emails from fans, that my books would be best sellers if I was contracted with a children’s publisher. Sadly the majority of children publishers do not accept unsolicited submissions. So you must have a literary agent.   I currently have 5 finished magical realism adventures, that ignites children ages 7-12 imaginations as they fly on the back of Matthias the dragon.  They meet and learn that preconceived notions of creatures and people are not what they seem. Most folks are interesting and enjoy adventures too. Adults that have read my stories have told me they are taken back to their childhood and are reminded of the imaginary adventures they thought of when they were young.    Pure pleasure. The adventures are currently magical realism illustrated chapter books, which could be made into graphic novels for children. I add some Icelandic folklore and cleverly hidden life learning messages as children learn about the Icelandic hidden people.

Book 1: James Saves the Moon–  James, a young boy, sees the moon sitting on the mountain in Iceland. He decides he must touch the moon. Along the way, he meets Syvok, who calls on his friend Matthias a dragon to fly them to the top of the mountain.  The moon is stuck, and the three must work together to release it, without ending up in space themselves.

Book 2: Helga Returns– James adventure begins with a footprint. He once again calls out to his Icelandic magical friends, Syvok and Mattias to discover what it means. He will find Helga the troll who left the footprint. James follows Helga to Yamas, the troll village. Will they be left on a glacier or when the earth tremors will they save the Guardian Troll from danger? Will Syvok and Matthias reach James in time to save him?

Book 3: Tomfoolery and 13 Yule Lads of Iceland–  26 days of Yuletide adventures.  Matthias the dragon knocks on James window and is whisked away to meet the Icelandic 13 Santas.  Christmas Cat gets James in serious trouble and he must go home. Tomfoolery happens as the Yule Lads visit  James every evening 13 days before Christmas. One yule lad must be saved when he falls into a crevice. Fires, dancing, and fireworks to say goodbye to the Icelandic hidden folks at the end of the yuletide season.

Book 4: Amongst the Clouds– James and Syvok 4th adventure has a new mystery floating about. Jame is curious to explore the iridescent cloud. All the colors of a rainbow glow,  surely there are new adventures as the dragons soar. Come along and meet new friends and old enemies. Dragons, cats, old hag and more. Join the adventures up in the sky and help the wizard find her magical key before old Hag steals the magical travel cloud.

Book 5: Sleigh Ride– Santa’s reindeer broke his sleigh! James and Syvok get whisked away to help save the day with Mattias, the dragon. The threes stop at the Yule Lads home to deliver their sleigh to the North Pole.  Along the way they are delayed by a polar bear, searching for her cub, who is floating on a block of ice in the arctic ocean. They must help, but will this delay Santa Claus?

All the above books are Amazon currently. Amazon Wendy Nystrom



Book 6: Magic Carousel: This book is in the editing stage.  James and his family are planning a trip back home to Minnesota. James is once again whisked away to Helga’s cave. He is given a mission to find a magic carousel at the zoo and see if a mermaid and ogre who went missing a long time ago and turned to stone are on the carousel. Syvok the Icelandic elf/fairy travels with James to Minnesota. They have many comical adventures while vacationing and find the carousel. With the help of all his Icelandic friends, sisters, and carousel caretaker, they work together to bring the mermaid back home. But what about the ogre? How long can they all keep the travel tunnel open?

I am also working on a novel called the New Moon Brethren. This story is magical realism set in Portland, OR. The new moon brethren is a secret society with regional headquarters that were set up on mother earth to take out the dark one regime so that all of mother earth creatures can live out in the open again.  It opens with Blaze the dragon waiting for her team to assemble. Their mission to bring a wolf changeling and her young daughter in, to be protected. The mission does not go as planned. Blaze and her old troman friend lose their mates but save young Isabelle, who may one day become an important leader at the New Moon Brethren. The dark one Delray, who was created, 1000 years ago by mistake due to a poor decision of his dragon mother, wants to bring Isabelle into his regime. She holds the DNA to create the next clan that can control earth. The novel is about halfway done.

A little about author Wendy Nystrom. I grew up in St.Paul, MN and have many adventures at different locations the last 25 years. I started writing epic magical fantasy stories for children while living in Iceland in 2005.  My son looked out the window and saw the moon sitting on the mountain. He then told me he was going to climb the mountain and touch the moon. That evening I dreamed about him going on the adventure and in the morning I was handwriting the story.  One evening while watching the moon on the mountain, changed my life. A key turned and unlocked my imagination.  I have been dreaming and writing adventures since that magical night in Iceland. I earned a BA in urban planning at Texas State University. I am married and have 3 wonderful adventurous children. I have lived many places MN, TX, ID, CO, Iceland, WV, MI. I have held many different job positions, management, customer service, sales, security, and now writing. I have visited classrooms and inspired children to write, as well as participated at a  childrens writing conference. I have been placed on organizations boards in my community

I have been told by many that my writing is original and outstanding. I am a talented storyteller and looking forward to working with someone who can move my writing career forward. I am easy to work with, open to ideas and love learning new things.  I know a little about a  lot of things.

If you are interested in contacting me, my email is wendysbookcase@gmail.com

Thank you for dropping in today. Enjoy the adventure the day brings you.  WB

Magical Realism Adventures Chapter Books Ages 7-12 by Wendy Nystrom





What If Adventure


One of my favorite blogs is https://theblabbermouthblog.com/ by Linda Epstein. Her and guest post are witty, engaging and informative. Last week she announced she was done blogging. This announcement kind of bummed me out for a couple of days. Then it reminded me of how she enlightened me about the business of writing and one of her guest post changed my outlook about writing, and life. The title is “Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas?” by Joe McGee.

What if?  What a great question.This question opens up our imagination, thinking and leads to problem solving plans.  I am incorporating this in to my life, writing and interactions with people. The next time I have the privilege of being in a classroom, conference, presentation, meeting, helping with homework I will ask what if. I have also began using it as I write.  This question is a guiding tool for nearly anything and we don’t even realize it that many of us use this  question while pursuing objectives or goals. What if the moon is sitting on a mountain? I know  when I was writing my first book back in 2005 after my son noticed the moon on the mountain in Iceland. I asked this question what if frequently when writing the story.

James Saves the Moon

I recently ran into a teacher who invites me to her classroom,  at the grocery store. While we were waiting in line, I informed her of my favorite writing blog and the post I mentioned above. “What If” She loved the idea also, and informed me she will use the what if tool in her 4th grade class.

When my children are struggling or frustrated with school work, I am going to ask what if you could solve it. I think this will calm them down to think about using another approach rather than thinking they are not smart enough.

What if you enjoy the adventure the day brings you? I hope you enjoyed the What If  adventure today.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB Magical Realism Adventures Chapter Books Ages 7-12 by Wendy Nystrom



Magical Realism – Fabulism Adventure!


Today I began a journey reading a post about what agents have been asking for and discovered two genres I have never heard of.  Magical Realism and Fabulism. So I googled them and discovered what the genres mean.

Magical Realism – a style of painting or writing that depicts images or scenes of surreal fantasy in a representational or realistic way.

is a style of writing or painting which sometimes describes dreams as though they were real, and real events as though they were dreams. 

a style in 20th-cent. literature and art that depicts fantastic or magical characters or occurrences in an otherwise realistic presentation  a style of painting or writing that depicts images or scenes of surreal fantasy in a representational or realistic way.

Fabulism – (literature) A form of magic realism in which fantastical elements are placed into an everyday setting.

I was like WOW! My writing fits these genres! I am a Fabulist, who uses magical realism.  No wonder kids and adults can relate and enjoy my stories. My children’s series for ages 7-12 are magical adventures set in the here and now.

Where would your imagination go if you saw the moon on a mountain and you decided to touch it? What happens if you discover a huge footprint and your fairy friend and dragon and show you whose foot it belongs too?How cool to have a dragon knock on your window and take you on a wild adventure and talk via telepathically. You look at a unusual cloud and wonder what could be hidden inside. You are whisked away on dragons back to help legendary yule tide characters. What happens when a troll takes you inside a mountain? I truly enjoy that my writing releases children’s imagination and reminds adults the adventures we had letting our imaginations run wild as children. 

My novel New Moon Brethren that I am working on, is not urban fantasy. It is Magical Realism also set in the here and now city environment with a secret society of all of Mother Earths thinking creatures, humans, gnostics, dragons, tromans, changelings, fairies etc working together to fight the dark ones regime so Mother Earth can find balance again. As a author I am lucky, I can have imaginary friends (muses)and travel with them and not be considered mentally ill.

As I continue on my quest to find an agent, two new words will be added to my query letter Magical Realism and Fabulism or Fabulist. Award winning of course!

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB


Imagining and Dreaming Future Adventure!


I googled, dragon imagine the possibilities, and this wonderful graphic popped up. I don’t know the artist, but this is enchanting and beautiful.

Imagining and dreaming about the future. What it would be like to see children’s eyes light up after reading one of my books and telling me their stories. What if an agent emailed and said I love your imagination. I want more, let’s get to work on opening children’s imaginations so they can soar. Children publisher’s will fight over your stories.
Looking at my various query letters and notes. Wondering how I grab the imagination of a literary agent. Let them know when the dragon knocks at your window the imagination flies with the dragon on a wondrous adventure. Children need their imaginations to be allowed to fly.
Getting ready for when many agencies and publishers open back up in September, asking for submissions. Well that is where my imagination adventure flew today.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB



Imaginary Friends Adventure


Good Day Folks,

I was looking up children’s literary agents and discovered one with the same first name as my childhood imaginary friend. So I sent her a query. I have not heard anything back yet, which is ok that is how this business works. Then I saw a advertising for a new show where an adult’s imaginary friend comes back in her life. This imaginary friend is weird looking muppet thing and speaks loudly. I thought how strange.

This also made me think of my childhood imaginary friend Suzie. She did not look like a muppet or speak loud ever to me. She was a little girl like me and we usually whispered, when others were around. We could communicate telepathically of course. She had long dark brown hair. When in my room alone we chatted in normal tones. Oh we had so much fun playing with my toys, kitchen set or taking care of my gerbil. We also enjoyed being outside. One of the best things we did together was follow along and listen to books with my record player.

Did any of you have a record player when you were a kid? I had a player like the picture. Our two favorite record books was Wizard of OZ and Peter Pan. Oh Suzie and I had so much fun together. Then when I was 6, my brother came home from the hospital a wonderful day, I was so happy to get a brother. Suzie was gone. Funny thing is I was not sad. Actually I did not think about her after my brother came home.I guess she went to play with another lonely child. I do have fond memories of her.

Now that I am a writer, I seem to have many imaginary friends. My favorites is Blaze the dragon and Carolyn a human. They helped me during a medical issue three years ago. When resting Blaze would visit me in my dreams and fly me away to her mountain retreat to heal. It was wonderful. It was an enchanting place built high up the mountains with beautiful views. In the back there was a patio that led to a mountain lake. We played cards and chatted in the library and when I rested on the lounge seat she would gently place a blanket on me while I read and napped.  They tell me stories and we are working on a novel about the New Moon Brethren. A new character is talking with me occasionally Isabelle or Izzy. She is a child that Blaze adopted after her parents were killed by the Daray the dark one. Occasionally I have to listen to him as well. He has big plans to take over mother earth.

Now my children’s series, ideas came from my son and I would dream the stories. It was like watching a tv series.

My son had an imaginary friend named Logan until his twin sisters were born. I remember seeing him looking at the mirror and talking with Logan, when he was 2. I asked him who Logan was and he said his friend. Would not tell me anything else about Logan.

Well I hope this agent is interested in my work. I really look forward to one day working with an agent who  can sell my work ,have great advice and good conversations.

Did you have a imaginary friend? Do any of your children have an imaginary friend?

Well that is my adventure story today. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for dropping in today. Enjoy the Adventures the day brings you! WB


Many Many Adventures more than writing!


Good Day Folks,

I always say I need to blog every week but seem to have so many things come up. I will try to get better at letting you know what my latest adventure is.

ac promo 1First my publisher Anchor Group Publishing has my book 4, Amongst the Clouds on sale this month. This adventure is for ages 7-12. What could be hidden in a cloud? Epic Adventure of Course. http://www.amazon.com/Amongst-Clouds-James-Syvok-Adventure-ebook/dp/B00LV3Y8CQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454610403&sr=8-1&keywords=amongst+the+clouds

Wow, I have been busy. I am still editing book 6 working title Magic Carousel. Sure is a fun adventure. I introduce two new characters,Tina and Timothy.

Mermaid_Tina  Ogre_TimothyI also been editing and writing my novel New Moon Brethren. I had to take a break from my writers group, rather bummed. But just not enough time for it right now. 

I was asked by Big Rapids Festival of Arts to organize an Authorpalooza Event for them. What a a fun adventure it has become. 40+ authors are coming February 20th to Big Rapids 1pm to 4PM. Plus classic book characters will be wandering around to interact with you. Thanks to Ferris State University Theatre Students. 12506484_10154417437838056_1951026028_n

This is going to be a fun event. We have a month full of art activities. If you are in the area here is Festival of Arts website. Check out the booklet with all the Art Activities. http://www.brfota.org/

Authorpalooza is on page 59. I have an event page here is the link for it. https://www.facebook.com/events/1107965342554486/.  This has been a blast organizing.

I am also looking for a children’s literary agent. Been sending out many queries. Gotten a few rejections, The rejections have been much nicer than 10 years ago. So I am getting better.  I do hope a agent will want to work with me in the near future, so I can dedicate more time for writing.

I also started a Facebook Weekly Children’s Author Spotlight from the FB group Kids Read-Author Promo Group. I put up the dates and authors sign up for a spotlight. Then for a week folks have the opportunity to get to know children’s authors and their book, experiences etc. Check them out and interact with the authors. We love to chat, answer questions with folks.

January 31 – February 6 PJ LaRue https://www.facebook.com/events/928039850567166/

February 7 – February 13 Lori Moore https://www facebook.com/events/627162244088797/

February 14 – February 20 Margretchin Chantal  https://www.facebook.com/events/931170276930005/

February 21 – February 27 Janet Balletta https://www.facebook.com/events/574408682712211/


Recently, I have become involved with keeping our water safe. Joined a group who right now are trying to stop an injection well go active in my county. An oil and gas company wants to dump toxic waste from their oil fracking and drilling activities. So I have been educating myself on the issues and going to many meetings and writing many statements and speaking up to our public leaders about how dangerous it really is.  At an EPA Public Hearing, a tear jerking moment. A few HS Students  spoke and asked us adults to protect the water for them and the future.

Of course taking care of my family needs takes priority. Now with three teenagers in the house, we have many drama adventures. Fun fun!

Well you are up to date on things. Just a reminder I currently have 5 children epic adventure illustrated chapter books available for kids ages 7-12. Hope you enjoyed my many adventures. Thanks for stopping in. Enjoy the adventure the day brings you. WB WendyBookcaseLogo



Abby & The Mystic Dancers by L.C. Miller Adventure


Good Day Folks,

So honored to announce the release of  L.C Millers debut novel Abby & The Mystic Dancers.  Check out all the details below.


Anchor Group Publishing is proud to present

 L. C. Miller’s debut novel, 

Abby and the Mystic Dancers.


Title:  Abby & The Mystic Dancers

Author:  L. C. Miller

Published November 9, 2015By Anchor Group Publishing

Genre:  Middle Grade/Young Adult Fantasy

As the product of a forbidden alliance between the elemental Mystics and the wand carrying Wielders -two distinct, often feuding, magical realms -acceptance is something fourteen-year-old Abby has fought with for the last four years. When an alliance is formed between the Mystic Dancers and the Wielder’s, Abby is given the chance to live with a Wielder’s family and attend Wielders Academy of Magical Arts. In order to do so, she first has make three promises to the Mystic Dancers leader … Tell no one she’s half Mystic, that her father is a Wielder who is also a wanted criminal, or that she can transform into anything she wants.Her day-to-day life of secrets, school work, and dancing is interrupted when her mother’s murder case goes to trial. The Mystics believe they finally caught the killer, who happens to be the father of one of Abby’s new friends. Abby has a choice to make – reveal her secrets, or let a man she knows is innocent go to prison

Meet The Author


I have loved reading since I was old enough to do it. I started writing in my down time in 2006 and have been doing it ever since.Reading, writing, and hanging out with my family are some of my favorite things – along with hot chocolate and pizza (not together, of course).

With a bachelors in Accounting, writing has been a great way to unwind and let my imagination fly.

Stalk L. C. Miller on

Helga Returns Autumn Special Epic Adventure!


Good Day Folks!

autumn promo Anchor Group Publishing has the epic adventure Helga Returns ebook on sale to celebrate autumn. Illustrated epic adventure when the dragon flies magical tales the entire family will enjoy. Ages 7-12.(Just a reminder if you purchase my book in print I will send you a signed book plate for free, just email at wendysbookcase@gmail.com)

Helga Returns Amazon Link

Helga Returns Barnes and Noble Link

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

Helga Returns – A James and Syvok Adventure by Wendy Nystrom is about the adventures of James for the second time. He finds a footprint and he asks his friends Syvok and Matthias to help him find out about the footprint. They discover that it is Helga’s footprint and follow it into the troll village. Will they be able to save the troll and will Syvok and Matthias be able to save James?
It is an absolutely delightful story for children. The story has many underlying messages in it. I liked the fact that it introduces them to glaciers. Any book is educational for a reader because it will have information to offer that gives you an opportunity to learn. The characters of James, Syvok, and Matthias capture the interest of the reader but the most appealing character is Helga, the troll. Iceland as a backdrop is another interesting aspect of this book. It is a magical story of James along with the two Icelanders, Syvok and Matthias. The story does not lose its tempo and the beautiful illustrations give the characters an identity which makes it easier for children to relate to them.
The biggest advantage of adventure stories is that they encourage children to think and be imaginative. It gives them the freedom to dream, experiment, think differently, and create their own characters. I found the little trolls and dragonets very interesting and they add to the whimsical quality of the story.

James Saves the Moon ebook where the epic adventures began is always on sale for 99 pennies. 

James Saves the Moon Amazon Linkaward ad

James Saves the Moon Barnes and Noble Link


Reviewed By Bil Howard for Readers’ Favorite 5 Stars

“James Saves the Moon”, written by Wendy Nystrom, is a delightful children’s picture book that combines a child’s imagination with Icelandic mythology. The illustrations by Jim Weidman, in a blue tone with colorful characters, lend a mythological feel to the story of a young boy (James), who sees the moon over one of the high mountains and decides that if he climbs to the top of the mountain he can reach out and touch the moon. Slipping quietly out of his bedroom window, he sets out on his journey. On his way up the mountain he stumbles over some rocks and disturbs one of Iceland’s mythological figures (Syvok), who joins him on his journey. They suddenly realize that unless they move faster, the moon will leave before they make it to the top of the mountain. In order that they can move faster, Syvok summons a dragon (Matthias), who allows them to ride on his back. They discover that the moon is stuck on the mountain and they will have to help get it unstuck. The three work as a team to set the moon free and while doing so, James truly does touch the moon.

The color of the illustrations by Jim Weidman and the very well-written story by Wendy Nystrom
make “James Saves the Moon” a rare treasure for a children’s picture book. Its simplicity combined with the kind of story that stirs the imagination of a child make it something that will stick in the mind of the reader for a lifetime. This book gives a little bit of a taste of the colorful and flavorful history of Iceland and its traditions. It is highly recommended for its ability to help stir a child’s imagination. A wonderfully simple and delightful tale.

Hope you enjoyed the the sale adventure. Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB    WendyBookcaseLogo



S.I. Hayes Action Packed Epic Fantasy Adventure


Good Day Folks,

Today’s adventure we explore  author S.I. Hayes.  She has created exciting action packed paranormal, fantasy worlds for you to enjoy.

Epic Fantasy Trilogy

si hays 5In Dreams… The Solitary Road
S.I. Hayes
Dumped in a treacherous Arctic land, Amara Dagon must master her spell craft if she is to survive a year in exile, but fear, doubt and the loss of her family threatens to take hold. Can Amara gain control of her magic or will she succumb to it leaving her people in the hands of a dangerous tyrant?





si hayes2In Dreams… The Unavoidable Road
S.I. Hayes

“You’re going home and I’m coming with you.”
Just eight little words will bind their fates forever.
Amara is feisty, strong, and alone. She is human, she is a spell caster.
Morgan is charming and faithful. He is Meiores-Meiore, a Shape-shifter, and Telepath of dangerous persuasion. He is the trainer of Kings and Queens.
Amara is one who sees signs, following them no matter where they lead. When she stops in De Suet, encounters with a cloaked stranger make her question if he has some place in her future.



si hayes 3In Dreams… The Savage Road
S.I. Hayes
Amara Dagon is going home…
Will she be able to ascend to High Priestess and give her people the help they so richly deserve or will she crumble to her mother’s whims?
Take a walk on the shores of the Isle De’ Corlen, a beautiful and dangerous land, especially if you’re uninvited.
Trials and tests await Amara and Morgan and his life hangs in the balance if they fail…

Paranormal Historical Drama

si hayes1Centuries of Blood: Becoming

Three men, a single heart. What’s a girl to do? Especially when one of them has fangs…

16th Century England. A land at war. It’s people fighting, dying for a king who chases skirts and takes heads on a whim. It is a time of reformation, of love, lust, betrayal and secrets. Catharine Morrigan Cecil is but sixteen years old as the tale unfolds, but her soul screams to be free of Glastonbury. Named for a child lost, she is chained to a life she doesn’t want. Promised to a man whose ways foretell an unhappy life while still in love with another who will not fight for her.

Left rejected, in a reach for freedom she runs. Finding a mysterious town with an even more mysterious stranger. Alexandarious (Darious) is young, strong, and Immortal. A Blood Devourer. Knowing his nature, Catharine Morrigan dares to give him her heart. She has pierced him through and through, but his people are warring and her safety is in peril. He wants and needs the beautiful woman “Morrigan” is becoming. But his heart knows better. She deserves a full life, one he cannot give her.

The marriage bed awaits her as the Ottoman War zone calls him. The pair must separate to save the people to whom they are bound. While Darious fights for his Lord and Lady, Morrigan must fight for her survival at the hands of the man she calls husband.

Can they beat the odds, find each other once more and prove that love truly is Eternal?


si hayesBio:
Shannon (S. I.) Hayes has been telling tales for so long as she has been able to talk, and began writing them down shortly thereafter. She is the singular author of the In Dreams… Series, and a Paranormal Historical Romance called Centuries of Blood: Becoming. Shannon is the Co-Author to Awakenings: The Wrath Saga, a Paranormal Drama likened to Big Brother meets The Real World of the Preternatural, as well as several blogs and host to her own website. S.I.Hayes.com. In her own words… I have a mind that is easily distracted and prone to wandering. Tangents are my forte, and if you think my characters are going to fit a cookie cutter shape of any kind, think again. They live, they love, they eat, sleep and f***. I believe that people are inherently sexual creatures and my characters be they human or something altogether else are no exception.
I don’t adhere to a single genera, I toe the line on several and wouldn’t presume to be a master of any. So I suppose you could call me jack-of-all-trade-paperbacks.
I am a truth seeker, in my life, in my work. I’d apologize for it, but I kinda can’t help m’self. It’s my best and worst personality trait, well mostly, being Bi-Polar I guess you could say that is the worse. But I believe that the disorder has made me, well… Me.
I have taken this life and twisted, carved, shaped and molded it in to the worlds of my characters. Albeit with a chainsaw, and it has made all the difference.



Hope you enjoyed getting to know Author S.I. Hayes and her paranormal action packed fantasy books Thanks for dropping in. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB




I’m a Dragon by Sigal Adler Adventure


Good Day Folks,
This book was fun. Of course I am a little biased since I love dragons. Yes I agree dragons can do whatever they want.
I’m a Dragon by Sigal Adler . 5 gold stars   i'm  a dragon
The book is fun rhyming story with colorful fun illustrations by Abira Das. It is 12 pages long. I think parents will enjoy reading this rhythmic rhyming story that discusses a child pushing the limits. I also think young readers up to age 7 will enjoy the story. Children and parents can have fun acting out the scenes as they read.
Brief Synopsis
A young boy named Ron, announces he is a dragon for the day. This means can do anything he wants day or night. His dad has trouble with him throughout the day. Dragons only eat pizza, pasta and ice cream. He does not want to pick up his room, and does not have to ask permission to do anything. Bed time is the final straw, when the young dragon has finally pushed his tired dad and he loses his patience. His father turns into a dragon-dad with three heads. Ron thinks and decides he is not a dragon kid since is dad is a great big dragon and not much fun. It is time to end the game of being a dragon kid and start listening to dad, and go to bed and have a fun dream.
Sigal Adler’s links

Sigal Adler Facebook page  Sigal Adler Amazon authors page  I’m a Dragon Amazon link

I’m a Dragon Barnes and Noble link

Hope you enjoyed I’m a Dragon Adventure. Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB


Wendy Nystrom Links








